
My compass


About the project

‘My compass’ project was born and realized thanks to the support and collaboration with World Vision Organization. Was built as a summer school which had training features through implementing informal education methodology. This project had as a purpose directing youth of vocation high school toward professional level and awareness that all they have to offer can not be realized in the best way without considering the importance of co-living and co-acting in groups and without recognising the weight that each has in the community.

‘My compass’ had a group of 60 young people chosen from below vocational high schools:

‘Kolin Gjoka’ vocational high school, Lezha
‘Kolin Gjoka’ vocational high school, Lezha
Vocational High School, Kamëz
‘Isuf Gjata’ Technical High School of Economics, Korçë

The project activities were extended in 2 weeks and the participants were separated into 2 groups with 30 people.

To perform what was said above, the summer school was designed as a training, were based on a program, young people took information on different fields for their professional profiles, but also building a strategy that started with idea identification, designing it and giving it a shape that could be developed as a start-up. Extra importance was given to idea presentation in groups through opportunities that technology offers, like video presentation, web, social media, and other.

For the more, was paid attention to the topics below:

  • General knowledge of food safety principles.
  • Basis for cooking and storing fruits and vegetables.
  • Basis on safe and security about personal conditions, work environment, hygiene importance, and others.

The program that was built specially for vocational high schools students predicted giving some practical elements for developing methods that can be helpful for a waiter in facilitating the daily tasks, specifically connected with:

  • Greetings and hosting clients;
  • Creating a warm environment;
  • Taking orders;
  • Serving the meal;
  • Cleaning the tables after the clients finished their meal.

Those basis, which they take them also from school curriculums, were enriched with features that are oriented toward labor market, self employment and business ideas presenting. A good part of the program was dedicated precisely to preparing presentation of different ideas through programs such as powerpoint and prezi, but not only: attention was given to public speaking and the importance of sharing with others some of their decisions made in life.
të ndryshme përmes programeve powerpoint dhe prezi, por jo vetëm: vëmendje iu dha të folurit në publik dhe se sa e rëndësishme është të ndajmë me të tjerët marrjen e disa vendimeve në jetën tonë.

Another important aspect of summer school connected with idea presenting was the importance of marketing. Through well known methodologies and strategies, like: INBOUND MARKETING, was put emphasis on the forms in which the public perceives a product and how the opportunity of realizing a pre-analysis on the market is given and the most effective market methods.

In addition to this program, specifically set up to develop interpersonal and group skills, another important aspect of summer school was mixing tasks with entertaining moments. In this way, the participants benefited from the program, took care of their needs through organizing in groups to clean every day their personal and common spaces, to cook and serve meals.

Those tasks had the purpose, which surpassed the expectations, to create a warm environment and to educate youth on the importance of working together, but also to put them on a state of understanding the usefulness of rules.

Implemented by

LIBURNETIK Organisation

Supported by

World Vision Albania