About the project

Nowadays more than ever, the community is understanding and raising awareness on the importance of youth inclusion on decision-making and serious topics. On the community is noticed that youth brings best practices combined with a transparent on local plans of action.

On developing countries as Albania, cases were youngsters has lack of opportunities or enabling environment on which can grow policy making capacities and exercise to give contribution and being representatives on the community are often.

HIVE Organization, in collaboration with LIBURNETIK Organization and National Youth Congress, will implement the pilot project “The voice of debate”, on the subject of youth opinion on political issues in national level through the debate culture. The projects innovation will focus on the format of training and practicing debating skills through using the concept and practices of the culture of debate as a capacity empowerment. With the project we aim to raise capacities of youth through contributing in this way on creating responsibility in local decision-making.

This project follow the principle of youth as a source of energy and new ideas as the solution of community issues and concerns. With a unique and innovative perspective, they take advantage of given opportunities in order to solve the challenges on the best way possible and they use the opportunities offered from different proactive realities and groups that have on the core Albanian youth development.

Basically, we aim to raise capacities of youth on debating in order to offer representatives or a “voice” for the youth in the community and decision-making.

Why this idea?

The youth of those communities should represent the voice of “Youth” on the topics that needs to be heard and ask the local government to express their need and to have enough space to do a changes in their community.

Every community would benefit with including active youngsters in local level. Youth can contribute better in the community and also can learn about citizen inclusion through identifying and solving community problems.

Youth can help built relation between generations. In many cases, youth members form a mentoring relationship with people of different career fields, while sharing practices and good experiences.

More about the project:
Methodology: Lincoln-Douglas Debate

In Lincoln-Douglas debate, the motion is a declaration, formed on a sentence that is focused in a philosophic or political issue and will be analysed from the moral perspective.

Lincoln-Douglas debate prioritises the debaters skills to give original, coherent and philosophical arguments, that are convincing for the ethical topic. Debaters should represent a convincing positive status that are going to protects from the critics of the counterarguments, without falling with contradicts with themselves or by denying the complexity of the cases in danger. Debaters should get to know the work of great ethic philosophers and has to represent their cases with examples and analysis from the current times.

Implemented by:

Organizata HIVE.

Supported by


Our Partners

Organizata LIBURNETIK dhe Kongresi Rinor Kombëtar